Love how righties hate Hwd showbiz types
but as soon as they find one who's on their side they either elect him president or have
him yell at a chair.
Tell me again what a great manager Romney
is. He couldn't manage to keep Christie, Rubio or Eastwood on message or keep
convention on time.
Two things not mentioned during RNC:
Dubya and Teabaggers. (Jeb did say "his brother" kept us safe. Oh?
Ever heard of 9/11?)
Still time to dump Mitt, nominate Empty
We MISSED you at the convention! But we had a doddering old man talking to a chair. Just as good.
Also interesting
for a party that wants English as official language they had at least 3 speakers
pander in Spanish.
Republican Convention Bombs As Viewership
Drops by 17 Million http://www.politicususa.com/republican-convention-bombs-viewership-drops-17-million.html
Romney is no businessman. He's a
financier. He didn't get rich the old-fashioned way. He exploited tax loopholes.
These assholes, pandering to the same
people they want to "self deport", is as disgusting as #MittRomney
Neil Diamond sang "I Am, I
Said" to Clint's stool and no one heard. Not even the chair.
I heard that Clint Eastwood was
channeling me at the RNC. My lawyers and I are drafting our lawsuit...
(Newhart’s famous comedy bit included talking to
someone on a phone that we never heard.)
Good news for Romney out of Clint
Eastwood fiasco? He will get to fire some people
I guess the only person missing at the
convention was @SpeakerBoehner
passing out crying towels.
officer, I'm not driving alone in the carpool lane. That's @BarackObama
in the passenger seat.""
We all focus on the empty chair and not
Romney. But in truth the empty chair gave a better speech.
It was a nice change for Clint. Usually
he talks to his oatmeal.
So I guess if Romney is elected we can
get ready for a new cold war with Russia.
"I never thought it was a good idea
for attorneys to be president." - Clint Eastwood, endorsing Harvard Law
grad Romney.
Does this mean that next week someone
will interview an empty suit and pretend it's Willard Romney?
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