There have been more legislative accomplishments during the first year and a half of this presidency than during any other over the past 50 years. Other "Big Effing Deals" for President Obama include:
- Passed health care reform
- Passed the Stimulus Bill, stopping the free-falling economy from total collapse, pumping $100 billion into the nations' crumbling infrastructure, and $60 billion for renewable, clean energy
- Expanded Children's Health Insurance Program to cover another 4 million kids
- Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to establish equal pay for equal work
- Signed nuclear arms deal with Russia that would diminish nukes on both sides by one third
- Signed non-proliferation initiative to keep nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists
- Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, also known as the Matthew Shepherd Act
- Allowed the FDA to regulate tobacco
- Dismantled the scandal-plagued Minerals Management Service (MMS), so the division collecting revenue from oil leases is not the same division that regulates and inspects the industry
- Cancelled the irrelevant, outdated F22 weapons program
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