The more you think about this, the more ridiculous you realize it is.
It was discovered that Keith Olbermann, host of msnbc's
Countdown with Keith Olbermann, had donated the legal amount of $2,400 to three Democratic candidates just before Election Day of this year. Apparently this violates NBC's rules against contributing to political campaigns, which msnbc's president claimed was the reason for his suspension. Yet, other political commentators (Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan)
at this same network ha

ve done the same in the past, but donated to Republican candidates. And GE, the corporation that owns NBC and msnbc, has given millions to political campaigns for years.
Rightwingers who revile Keith are giddy at the suspension. Yet they have no answer when reminded that one of Fox's hosts, Sean Hannity, has given over $5,000 to Michele Bachman's political committee this past summer.

It’s a good thing Fox doesn’t have the same journalistic standards as msnbc, or they wouldn’t have been able to give ONE MILLION DOLLARS to the Republican Governors' Association this past summer.
It’s a good thing Fox doesn’t have the same journalistic standards as msnbc, or Bill O’Reilly wouldn’t have been able to pay off Andrea Mackris to the tune of 2 MILLION DOLLARS to make his sexual harassment suit disappear.
Seems like Keith's measly $2,400 donations would be the last thing to worry about. But hey, look how much free publicity he's getting on the Fox Noise Channel and CNN.

Hey Keith, CNN's new 8:00 show is doing horribly in the ratings. Looks like there may be an opening there soon...