Why, WHY John Boner would have let himself be led to the edge of a political and career cliff by a small handful of Teabaggers is hard to imagine.
This is the party that signed a Pledge to Obey a Lobbyist and never, ever, ever, ever raise taxes. But until last night that seemed to only apply to the 1% -- the millionaires and billionaires. Even when he finally and appropriatedly caved, it was done grudgingly.
He's the weakest and least effective Speaker I've seen in my lifetime. Just knowing that this payroll tax cut extension would benefit 160,000,000 American Middle Class workers should have been enough. Having to have the Wall St Journal, Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, John McCain and many other major rightwing mouthpieces tell him he was going in the wrong direction for the country -- and committing political suicide -- is extraordinary.
What's wrong with this man? How screwed up IS he? Can't he think for himself? Can't he see when something is the obvious thing to do?
Apparently not. He had to be beaten over the head by his own party for 3 days before relenting. He deserves to be stripped of his title as Speaker of the House.
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